Sunday, November 30, 2008

Cost of LASIK Eye Surgery - What You Should Know

Choosing your eye surgeon is important as the better qualified, trained, certified and experienced the surgeon,...The cost of the procedure is based on the cost of supplies, staff salaries, the doctors' fee, the equipment and other costs.***

Cost of LASIK Eye Surgery
- What You Should Know

LASIK eye surgery is still emerging, but has made vision and life better for millions of people. Those with vision problems and correction aids can be freed from those shackles with LASIK surgery. But, before you go under the laser it's important to understand all the aspects of LASIK surgery including: which doctor to choose, how the procedure will go and the cost of LASIK surgery.

Choosing your eye surgeon is important as the better qualified, trained, certified and experienced the surgeon, the better your procedure, pre- and post-operative treatments and overall experience will go. Don't be afraid to ask for references and proof of training and certifications.

During a pre-operative evaluation, the eye surgeon will give you an eye exam used to help determine if you are a good candidate for the procedure. This is determined based on your overall eye health, vision corrective issues and overall health as some conditions, like diabetes, can affect your eligibility.

When considering the cost of LASIK eye surgery there are many factors to consider and questions to ask your eye surgeon. The cost of the procedure is based on the cost of supplies, staff salaries, the doctors' fee, the equipment and other costs.

Ask the eye surgeon you're considering, to be honest with you about the costs and pricing. Be wary if they are receiving a large bonus for each procedure from the LASIK equipment manufacturer, as this tends to turn doctors away from personal service and toward getting as many people through the procedure as possible for higher bonuses.

The cost of LASIK eye surgery is definitely a deciding factor when considering LASIK surgery but remember, cost goes hand in hand with quality of service and after care. Sometimes the cheapest price available could really be offering a terrible experience and potential vision problems down the road from an inexperienced eye surgeon. For more in-depth knowledge about the costs and pricing of LASIK eye surgery, contact your local ophthalmologists association or state medical board.

In 2006, a study was done that concluded that contact wearers are at a greater risk for infection than individuals who have had Lasik eye surgery. Don't shy away from the cost of Lasik, because in the past 10 years over 3 million people have experienced the benefits of Lasik with nearly perfect results. Would you like to be one of them? Find out today what Lasik eye surgery could do for you:
By Becki Andrus
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